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Monday, September 14, 2015

Neighbors with Benefits by Marissa Clarke Book Review

Neighbors with Benefits
Anderson Brothers
Book #2

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 30, 2015
Publisher: Entangled: Lovestruck

ISBN: 978-1943336555
ASIN: B00Z637D2Y

Pages: 225 ebook, 248 paperback

Goodreads Rating:  4.02
My Rating: 4.5

Book Description:

A satisfying category romance from Entangled’s new Lovestruck imprint…
Love thy sexy jerk of a neighbor…
CEO Michael Anderson might be something of a “control freak.” Still, he’s not quite sure why his therapist thinks dogsitting will fix anything—especially since he and the canine share a kind of mutual loathing. And to make matters worse, a house sitter moves in next door disrupting his peace—and his dates—with the worst possible music at the worst possible time... every time. 
Free-spirited artist Mia Argaropolis has settled into the perfect gig—housesitting in NYC’s Upper West Side while working as an art therapist. Too bad she’s stuck living next door to a bossy control freak with a penchant for calling building security when she blasts music to drown out the noises coming through his bedroom wall. 
Post-apocalyptic dinner rolls that nearly take her kitchen with them, a douchebag ex, and a Shih Tzu with the personality of Godzilla attack Mia in one day, and her unlikely neighbor comes to the rescue. Like it was her fault. And now, somehow, they find themselves engaged? Both agree, this neighborly feud just got taken to a whole new level.

My Take:


Yup, I've been reduced to a giggling and giddy fan girl. That is a pretty hard task to accomplish.

This was a really fun and flirt read and devoid of anything sinister. There are no 'bad' guys save for a douchey ex-boyfriend that is so unimportant you kinda forget he exists until he is mentioned.

It's a light read that is perfect for a day on the beach and a quick read to boot. I literally finished it in under 3 hours with a short interlude for food.

The Great (Pros):

  • The romance. It was steamy, enlightening and fun. Everything a reader looks for in a good romantic pairing. The chemistry is on point and the evolution of Mia and Michael as a unit as well as separate entities is perfect. 

  • The Queen Bs. I loved those kooky old ladies. The scenes with them were some of the funniest.

  • Clancy. He's fluffy and adorable. What's not to love. His antics had me thinking about some of my pets and giggling at the memories. 

  • Subject matter. I really liked that although Mia is 'beautiful' this book touches on some insecurities that have nothing to do with physical appearance. I really enjoyed reading about Mia learning to respect and appreciate herself as well as Michael reinforcing that she is a somebody and worthy of love. It made their relationship that much more beautiful.

The Not So Great (Cons):

  • Pace. It felt a little rushed at times and too slow at others, but all in all its not anything too serious and doesn't draw away from the story. 

  • Mia's Friends. Sure they aren't bad people, but I felt like they should have been a little better to her or at least a little more apologetic. 

4.5 Quills 

About The Author

Marissa Clarke lives in Texas, where the everything is bigger, especially the mosquitoes. 

When not writing, she wrangles her rowdy pack of three teens, husband, and a Cairn Terrier named Annabel, who rules the house (and Marissa's heart) with an iron paw. 

Also writes YA for Penguin USA as Mary Lindsey

Represented by Kevan Lyon of the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.  
Thanks for stopping by,

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