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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Redesigning Fate by A.M. Wilson Book Review

Redesigning Fate
The Revive Series
Book #1
A.M. Wilson

Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: June 22, 2015

ISBN: 978-1514252741

Pages: 368
Goodreads Rating: 4.07
My Rating: 3.5/4.0

Book Description:

I left everything behind in order to be free. I should have known better than to think it would be so easy. All it took was one day at my new job.

He came for me.

I used a stranger to deter him, and in doing so, realized my heart began to beat again. Elias Brooks put me back together after Travis Dawson tore me apart. Travis makes it everybody's business that I belong to him, including Elias, but he couldn’t be more wrong.

He’s stalking me.

I’m afraid he’s come back to hurt me again. He promises he’s not.
Travis pleads he’s only trying to keep me safe from none other than Elias.

Who do I trust?
Fate led me down the wrong path before. Who’s to say it won’t happen again?

My Take:

Generally speaking, I really enjoyed this book. I found the subject matter to be different and somewhat realistic. It was pretty faced paced and never really dull. The steamy scenes were abundant and well written and I liked the romance.

I also liked most of the characters! I found them developed and straight forward with no hidden agenda. They were very 'what you see its what you get'. Unfortunately, I found the main character Marlena very childish and bratty. I wanted to like her, I love the romance she has with Elias but on her own she's really annoying and frustrating. She's constantly worried that her "baggage and situation" will drive Elias away but really it's how she acts. At least that's my opinion. And one particular scene she worried about going to the cops and mentions her fear that Elias will pull away due to her situation, but the way she interacts with him and her snapping is really what would drive him away. I found her be a very unlikeable character most times.

I had no such problem with any of the other characters which made it very hard for me to root for her. It was merely her romance with Elias and her friendship with Carly that was her saving grace.

But to be fair, there were some moments that I did like her. And other, where I understood her motivations.

I think, the use of a foreshadowing Prologue was really clever. What I didn't like was a lot of the inconsistencies. Since this is an arc copy, I try not to review based off of grammatical errors, but a lot of them or glaringly obvious. Word usage and sentence structures were flimsy and made the story hard to follow at times but when they were on point the story flowed.

It's obvious in the synopsis and I was hoping that was a fluke(as I've come across other books with this similar problem) and for the most part while I was still in the beginning I felt I was right. It was towards the middle to the end of the book that the errors were too constant and obvious.

I also felt a little lost with the passage of time. The way most of the chapters are written, there is a slight jump in time and normally that isn't a deterrent but I kept getting a little lost and having to re-read it. My suggestion is that the author use some sort of visual indicator such as asterisks or dashes between the paragraphs to queue the readers to the time change. That would have helped the flow of the story in terms of how a reader interprets them.

Also, slight note that does not affect the review. As a person who loves wine, I was slightly peeved at the mention of Malbec being in the fridge. The time frame was not specified but based of Marlena's account it was earlier in the day one can only assume that it was more than 30 mins. That's a full bodied wine you don't drink it cold, just slighlty below room temp. :)

3.5/4.0 Quills

It was a unique romance and had a solid plot even if the execution was not flawless. For the most part, I enjoyed it and think other readers will as well. My biggest complaint was the heroine who came off as rude, childish and bratty at most times instead of what I can only assume the author meant to be a snarky and witty character. Be warned that this is written more like a long 'serial' and does end on a very daunting cliff hanger so many if not all of your questions will be left unanswered.

I'll likely be picking up book 2 because I did enjoy this story for the most part and I would like to know more about the characters and to see how this story will play out.

About The Author

A.M. Wilson fell in love with writing in second grade when she won a young writers’ contest. She spent the years following carrying around a spiral notebook, which she filled with poetry and short stories detailing the dramatics of being a young girl. When she hit her college years, she set the notebooks down and fell in love with reading romance novels. She may have attended college four separate times in four different fields, but always knew in her heart writing was her true passion. She grew up in Duluth, Minnesota and spent her summers in the cold waters of Lake Superior, but relocated to the Twin Cities with the love of her life and has two spirited children who make her world go round.

Thanks for stopping by,

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