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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Revealers & Uninvited by Amanda Marrone Book Spotlight + #Giveaway #TipsySpooktacular Stop 5


Ohai there!
Welcome back!

Today I have a treat for you all. It’s another book spotlight BUT there are 2 and they are NOT part of a series :O I know that seems odd from someone like me who absolutely LOVES to read book series, serieses… Ehh I know, not very English major or author-y of me but whatever, I think the first one is correct.

So back on topic, this is more of an Author Spotlight. I don’t exactly remember when I bought these books just that I love them and I really hope you all take a chance on them. I know the goodreads rating isn’t all that great for one of them but I think the books rock.

The books in question are ‘Uninvited’ and ‘Revealers’ by Amanda Marrone. 

Uninvited is an out of the box vampire read. Abso-freaking-lutely like nothing I have ever read when it comes to vampires. Sure I got a Dangerous Girls by R.L. Stine vibe from it BUT it was a novel all on its own. The similarity starts and ends with the age of the main character, the vampire thing and how dark it is. Literally that is it. This book, and other vampire books sit at 2 vastly different ends of the spectrum. There is no romantizing the vampires. And personally, I liked that this was not really marketed as a vampire book. Aside for my knowledge of vampire invitations, the night time visits and the eerie but beautiful cover, there was no giveaway to the vampire tidbit. Now, before you go all crazy reader on me, this is not a spoiler. The author has mentioned that it is a vampire story and this in no way gives away the plot of the series of events that follow. I literally love this book. It is dark and can seem a bit slow to start with but it’s worth the wait. 

Revealers is an interesting and fun magical read. I was initially drawn in by the cover because well come on who wouldn’t be, it’s gorgeous! I love the blue smoke and the simplicity in the design. So I did what most do when a book cover jumps out and snags their attention I flipped it over and got to reading the synopsis. I was all for it! I got to reading and I couldn’t put it down. I even remember where I was sitting for the couple of hours it took for me to finish it. It’s full of plot twists and interesting magic and witches. Its spooky to an extent but really keeps you on your toes. This too stands on its own as a paranormal novel and book featuring a witchy cast. When all was said and done, I was super sad to see this story was over. 

They are not spooky in your typical sense but I do feel like these are great books to get you into the Halloween/Samhain mood. See what I did there ;)

Also, funny story guys, I penned a character who was a witch years ago when I was 14, before having read any of these books but she was nameless… I just kept using ‘insert name’ then I read Revealers years later, I loved the characters, all of them. But one name just kept haunting me. 

Fast forward 1 year and I actually met a woman with this name while shopping for incense. She was a pagan woman like my sister, but her personality was so similar to this witch I had written and it felt like it was meant to be. So in a weird chance of fate, this woman and the book ‘Revealers’ helped me name one of my main characters in The Birth Curse Series, I give you, Zahara Frost ladies and gentlemen.

Amanda Marrone

Genre: YA Paranormal Fantasy, Supernatural Fiction
Release Date: September 30, 2008
Publisher: Simon Pulse

ISBN: 978-1416958741
Pages: 288
Goodreads Rating: 3.58

Book Description:

Witchin' ain't easy.

Jules has a rebellious streak, a massive crush on Connor, and the abilities of a Revealer witch. By day, she and her coven friends seem like typical high school seniors. By night, they have the power to make werewolves, vampires, and ghosts reveal themselves, so they can destroy them. It's not exactly cheerleading, but at least the girls know they're doing the world some good.

One by one, Jules's friends turn eighteen and are initiated into the coven's inner circle. And one by one, they are getting completely freaked out. Jules is the youngest, and though her friends are too scared tell her what's going on, something's clearly not right. As her birthday approaches, Jules realizes she's got to find out what's behind the shadows of her coven before it's too late to save her friends...and herself. But what she discovers may be too powerful for even the toughest witches to defeat.

Amanda Marrone

Genre: YA Paranormal Fantasy, Supernatural Fiction
Release Date: October 23, 2007
Publisher: Simon Pulse

ISBN: 978-1416939788

Pages: 224
Goodreads Rating: 2.95

Book Description:

When rejection comes back to bite you...

Jordan's life sucks. Her boyfriend, Michael, dumped her, slept his way through half the student body, and then killed himself. But now, somehow, he appears at her window every night, begging her to let him in.

Jordan can't understand why he wants her, but she feels her resistance wearing down. After all, her life -- once a broken record of boring parties, meaningless hookups, and friends she couldn't relate to -- now consists of her drinking alone in her room as she waits for the sun to go down.

Michael needs to be invited in before he can enter. All Jordan has to do is say the words....

 About The Author

Amanda Marrone grew up on Long Island where she spent her time reading, drawing, watching insects, and suffering from an over-active imagination. It didn’t help that her father told bloodcurdling stories, and would take Amanda and her siblings for moon lit walks in the graveyard—the highlight of which involved having them march up to mausoleums and knock on the doors—alone. On more than one occasion, Amanda turned around to find they’d ditched her for laughs. (No, she didn’t find that particularly funny.)

Not surprisingly, she was extremely scared of the dark—living in fear of cats meowing at the door at night (she was sure they were really monsters pretending to be her cats), and things lurking in basements, attics, dark rooms, and closets.

Amanda successfully avoided monster attacks by leaving all the lights on in her house, and convincing other family members to let the cats in—eventually earning a B.A. in Education at SUNY Cortland. She taught fifth and sixth grade in New Hampshire, where she was known for putting on mini-musicals, and dissecting eyeballs and owl pellets with her students.

After taking a very early retirement to raise a family and write novels—some of which have vampires and other creepy creatures, Amanda now lives in Connecticut with her husband, Joe, two kids, two cats, a crayfish, hissing cockroaches, and their newest addition is Griffin, a havanese dog who can say "Hello" and "I love you". Check the links page to see Griffin’s YouTube videos where you can see him in action.

Amanda loves reading, going to Broadway shows, creepy crawly things, hiking, annoying her husband with show tunes, and is thinking about getting another tattoo. She is still scared of the dark.

Amanda’s first two books for teens, Uninvited and Revealers are available now, and her next book Devoured will be out in September of 2009. Her middle grade series The Magic Repair Shop Chronicles: The Multiplying Menace, Kobold Blues and The Shape Shifter’s Curse will be available starting in the summer of 2010.

Connect with the Author

 Enter The Giveaway Here

I'm giving away some paperbacks to US residents and a few ebooks.
Books will be from the ones you find on the #TipsySpooktacular Stops
Must be 13+ to enter

  Thanks for stopping by,

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