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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Cobbogoth Series Reviews + #Giveaway!

Uncovering Cobbogoth
Cobbogoth Series
Book #1
Hannah L. Clark

Genre: Young Adult Romantic Fantasy
Release Date: May 13, 2014
Publisher: Cedar Fort Publishing & Media

ISBN: 978-1462114269
Pages: 320

Goodreads Rating: 4.15
My Rating: 5.0

Book Description:

Norah Lukens needs to uncover the truth about the fabled lost city of Cobbogoth. After her archaeologist uncle’s murder, Norah is asked to translate his old research journal for evidence and discovers that his murder was a cover-up for something far more sinister.

When she turns to neighbor and only friend James Riley for help, she realizes that not only is their bitter-sweet past haunting her every step, but James is keeping dangerous secrets. Can Norah discover what they are before it’s too late to share her own.
My Take:


That was both beautiful and magical. Beautifully magical? Magically beautiful? I don't know which would be the better statement, but regardless that is the best description I can give this book.

In this book you're introduced to the characters that will draw you in and make you feel something for them. It's almost hypnotizing to read the story. The details are so crisp and clear you're able to envision everything that's being told, and I for one found that I almost couldn't bear to put the book down.

When I first saw this book up for review, I was slightly intrigued but I didn't have an opening during the month of the tour so I had to pass up on reading it. Luckily, a month or so later, I got another tour invite for book two in this series and they were offering book one for those who hadn't read it. So of course I jumped right onto that bandwagon, and I'm really glad I did. I'm always looking for a new series to fall into. Something. You make me love the characters as much if not more then characters I grew up reading. I genuinely feel like this series has that potential.

The characters in this book are so realistic, the way they handle certain situations the way they feel and act, feel real. Sure there is a lot of other worldliness in this story but the core aspects are what I'm talking about. I loved Norah, she's the kind of character you hope to read about when you come across a story with a female heroine. She makes her mistakes, but she owns them. She's not someone that is compliant, she's very much her own person and I love that. It's so easy to read about Norah and James and Lylend; and it's even easier to care about them.

The romance in this book, is breathtaking. I found it to be probably one of the most beautiful love stories I have read, not because of the sweeping gestures or the abundant love scenes, because that isn't in this book. You just have these two characters that are so beautifully woven together but you can't help but root for them. It's just lovely. And even though it's very important its not overbearing, you are still going to get a full story that really has nothing to do with the romance. And that to me is one of the best treats as a reader and the hardest feats for an author to pull off.

5 Quills

The Lemorian Crest
Cobbogoth Series
Book #2
Hannah L. Clark

Genre: Young Adult Romantic Fantasy
Release Date: August 23, 2015
Publisher: KinStone Publishing, LLC

ISBN: 978-1514655276

Pages: 436
Book Cover Design: Seedlings Design Studio

Goodreads Rating: 4.40
My Rating: 5.0

Book Description:

After being raised from infancy in Boston, Mass., Noria (a.k.a Norah Lukens) has no idea what to expect upon entering New Cobbogoth, where she never would have guessed that paths of light can make you vanish; doors can lead to realms both near and far; myths and legends are actual history; a mere kiss can seal two souls as one; and, of course, a stone is never “just a stone.” Her Uncle Jack’s stories never could have prepared her for the magical and dangerous place her native realm is turning out to be.

When the Gihara’s promises begin to crumble, her best friend and soul-mate Jamus (a.k.a. James Riley) is in more danger than ever. Then when his father Lylend abandons her to search for an ancient relic called The Lemorian Crest and she is taken captive by the very people she’s risked everything to save, Noria begins to lose faith in the Cobbogothian gods and the mission they sent her home to accomplish.

Only when a series of new friendships and loyalties are forged in the most peculiar of places, does Noria dare hope again. Hope for Jamus’ safety, for their future together, and for the survival of the entire Cobbogothian race.

 My Take:

I'm not sure how it is at all possible that this book is better than part 1, but it is. Once again I am in awe of the author's ability to make me fall in love with a story and the characters involved. I had really high expectations for this book especially coming right off my high from book 1, but this threw those expectations right out of the water. It's everything you would hope for from a sequel and so much more.

I was so happy to see the growth of these characters and witness and their transformations. This is truly a spectacular story. If I'm honest though, I was slightly worried that this book may fall flat. I was scared that while book one was an amazing high, that the author wouldn't be able to follow through. I was scared that there would be too many inconsistencies and the story wouldn't progress but all it did was pull me in. I'm definitely hooked on the series, I think the author is absolutely amazing, I am obsessed with these characters, and I cannot wait for book 3. I definitely need to know where the story is going to go, I need the resolution almost as much as Norah/Noria does!

5 Quills

About The Author

Hannah L. Clark lives with her husband and two children in the Rocky Mountains. She has always known she would be a storyteller. In 2006 she graduated from Utah Valley University with a bachelor’s degree in English and immediately began writing her first novel.

Uncovering Cobbogoth was Clark’s first book in the seven book Cobbogoth series—a YA fantasy series based on her mythological brain-child, The Legend of the Cobbogothians. It was released in May 2014 through Cedar Fort Publishing. Book 2 in the series, The Lemorian Crest will be released in Summer 2015.

Clark loves running, mythology, singing while playing the guitar, herbal tea, escaping into imaginary worlds, and being with her peeps. Like her heroine Norah, she also kind of believes that trees might have souls, but must clarify that she has never hugged a tree. The closest she has ever come to that kind of bizarre behavior was the time she hugged the pillars outside Harry Potter Land. Which, all things considered, is not bizarre at all if one takes into account how exquisitely happy she was to finally be there.

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