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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Love Me, Love Me Not Review + #Giveaway

Love Me, Love Me Not
Alyxandra Harvey

Genre: YA Fantasy
Release Date: February 22, 2016
Publisher: Entangled Crave

ISBN: 978-1633755352

Pages: 211
Goodreads Rating: 3.49
My Rating: 5.0

Book Description:

Dating isn’t easy when you’re in the middle of a blood feud.

Anastasia Vila’s family can turn into swans, but just once she’d like them to turn into responsible adults.

After hundreds of years, they still cling to the blood feud with the Renard family. No one remembers how it started in the first place—but foxes and swans just don’t get along.

Vilas can only transform into their swan shape after they have fallen in love for the first time, but between balancing schoolwork, family obligations, and the escalating blood feud, Ana’s got no time for love. The only thing keeping her sane is her best friend, Pierce Kent.

But when Pierce kisses Ana, everything changes.

Is what Pierce feels for her real, or a by product of her magic? Can she risk everything for her best friend? And when the family feud spirals out of control, Ana must stop the fight before it takes away everything she loves.

Including, maybe...Pierce.

This Entangled Teen Crave book contains language, violence, and lots of kissing. Warning: it might induce strong feelings of undeniable attraction for your best friend.

My Take on The Book:

This must be the year of the great reads…. Or at least great picks, because I have yet to read something I dislike.

I loved this book. The characters. The premise. It’s so refreshing to get a story with a different kind of take on the shifter genre. Now don’t get me wrong… I love typical werewolf type read but there is something so magical (excuse the pun) about a swan shifter. Swans are such beautiful creatures that I couldn’t fathom them as anything but the majestic bird that they have always seemed to be for me. So to be thrust into this world were girls shift into swans and happen to be some fierce kick ass swan girls, was totally refreshing and enthralling.

Ana is a great, sometimes clueless, but a lovely, loyal and smart lead character with a perfect balance in Pierce.

If anything, I found myself enjoying the parts in his POV more!

5 Quills

There is so much to love about this book that I’m not sure where to start. It’s a relatively fast read even for my standards but I never felt like there was anything missing. You get a little bit of everything one would expect for a YA Fantasy shifteresque story. You have romance, mystery, tradition, action and betrayal. I’m pretty sad that this was a one-shot book because I honestly didn’t get enough of these for lack of a better word, charismatic, characters.

About The Author

Alyxandra Harvey lives in a stone Victorian house in Ontario, Canada with a few resident ghosts who are allowed to stay as long as they keep company manners. She loves medieval dresses, used to be able to recite all of The Lady of Shalott by Tennyson, and has been accused, more than once, of being born in the wrong century. She believes this to be mostly true except for the fact that she really likes running water, women’s rights, and ice cream. Aside from the ghosts, she also lives with her husband and their dogs. She likes cinnamon lattes, tattoos and books.

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$200 Amazon Gift Card + Feather Pendant Necklace inspired by the one that Ana, from Love Me, Love me Not wears
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